########################################################################### # SAS-Pro: Simultaneous Alignment and Superposition of PROtein structures # Authors: Shweta B. Shah and Nick Sahinidis # # Date: June 2011 # # Contact nikos@gatech.edu with any questions about the software ########################################################################### The SAS-Pro software provides optimal structural alignments between any given pair of proteins. SAS-Pro provides both sequential and non-sequential alignments between the two proteins. The inputs are the PDB files and, optionally, the chains of the two proteins to be compared. The output includes best alignment, the RMSD value, the SAS value, the length of alignment, and the aligned protein structure cordinates. ########################################################################### Software requirements: 1. Licensed copy of MATLAB 6 or newer version on Linux/Unix 2. gfortran compiler 4.4.1 or newer version ########################################################################### Installation Instructions for SAS-Pro: ====================================== 1. Download SAS-Pro.tar 2. Untar using > tar -xvf SAS-Pro.tar 3. Run the installation file > ./make install 4. To uninstall run make clean > ./make clean 5. To run a test problem run make test > ./make test ########################################################################### Running SAS-Pro: ================ SAS-Pro runs with the command: SAS-Pro_PATH/bin/saspro [protein 1] [protein 2] [chain of protein 1] [chain of protein 2] INPUTS: ======= [protein 1] := The PDB file for protein 1 [protein 2] := The PDB file for protein 2 [chain of protein 1/2] := The chain of the input protein that should be aligned OPTIONS: ======== [chain of protein 1/2]: This is optional. If none is mentioned, the first chain in the PDB file will be chosen. OUTPUTS: ======== The final alignment is written in file ALIGN in the current directory. The corresponding sequential alignment is written in file ALIGN_SEQ in the current directory. The C-alpha cordinates o aligned proteins are written in file PROTEIN-CORDS. The values of RMSD, SAS, and Length of Alignment are available at the bottom of files ALIGN and ALIGN_SEQ. ########################################################################### Test problems: ============== All PDB files for proteins in the Sokol, Skolnick, and RIPC data sets are available in the folder `test'. A test problem can be run to check all options by running ./make test. ########################################################################### Usage and license requirements ============================== Use of this software requires that the following papers be cited in any resulting publications: 1. S. B. Shah and N. V. Sahinidis, SAS-Pro: Simultaneous residue alignment and structure superposition for protein structure alignment, PLoS ONE, 7:e37493, 2012. 2. W. Huyer and A. Neumaier, SNOBFIT: Stable noisy optimization by branch and fit, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 2008, 35, 1-25. 3. M. Dell'Amico, A. Lodi, S. Martello, Efficient algorithms and codes for the k-cardinality assignment problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2001, 110, 25-40. Licenses The SAS-Pro routines are provided free with no restriction on their use. However, the current SAS-Pro distribution includes (with permission) two software that impose usage/license requirements: a. The SNOBFIT derivative-free solver that was developed by Huyer and Neumaier (2008) is included in SAS-Pro for solving a multimodal, non-smooth optimization problem. This solver may be used freely with proper acknowledgment but is Matlab-based and requires a licensed copy of Matlab. b. The SKAP code is used in SAS-Pro to solve k-cardinality linear assignment subproblems. SKAP and the subroutines that it calls are copyright Dell'Amico-Lodi-Martello (2001). Permission to use SKAP and the associated code for didactic and scientific purposes is granted provided proper acknowledgment is given. For commercial use of SKAP, contact silvano.martello@unibo.it.