BARON Software
BARON is a computational system for solving nonconvex optimization problems to global optimality. Purely continuous, purely integer, and mixed-integer nonlinear problems can be solved with the software. The Branch-And-Reduce Optimization Navigator derives its name from its combining constraint propagation, interval analysis, and duality in its reduce arsenal with advanced branch-and-bound optimization concepts.
A systematic comparison on 1740 test problems shows that BARON has an edge over other global codes for NLP/MINLP. The test problems used in this comparison were originated from GlobalLib, CMU/IBMLib, MINLPLib, and PrincetonLib, respectively. This test set includes all problems from these libraries that are accepted by all solvers. These and additional test problems are available in a variety of formats. Below we give performance profiles for individual test sets.
141 MINLPs from IBMLib | 250 MINLPs from MINLPLib |
369 NLPs from GlobalLib | 980 NLPs from PrincetonLib |
- A general purpose solver for mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems.
- Availability under the widely used AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS, JuMP, MATLAB, Pyomo, and YALMIP modeling environments.
- Developer-oriented modeling language that facilitates custom applications.
- Commercial versions of the code along with user support are available under a variety of platforms:
- The NEOS server for optimization provides free access to AMPL/BARON and GAMS/BARON, along with free computing time.
The best way to cite BARON is by citing one of the BARON publications and mentioning the version of the software utilized.