Thank you for your interest in my research program.
Almost every year, there are openings in my research group for exceptional graduate students. However, I am unable to respond to requests for appraisals due to the tremendous interest we receive from domestic and international students. Applications for admission to the units with which I am affiliated are reviewed by admissions committees and individual professors cannot accept students directly into their research groups before students are admitted to a unit. Research advisor selection is done after a student has been offered admission and, in certain units, after the student has joined the program. If you are interested in joining my research group, please send in your completed application for review to the unit that you wish to apply. Information about admission requirements and forms can be accessed at individual unit web sites:
H. Milton Steward School of Industrial & Systems Engineering
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
All the best in your academic endeavors.
Professor Nick Sahinidis